Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty A dimmed life doesn’t shatter. Nah, it just fades. Soft, slow, silent— Until one day, she forgets the sound of...
She is me, I am her—
A mirror reflecting back, a sister’s heart, Same sky, different clouds. What she says isn’t always what she means, Her...
Daughters of Giants
We are Daughters of Giants their strength, dreams, and fight in our veins. dare to exist boldly, vast and unapologetic...
Your win’s my glow, your spark, your light, Your name’s my cheer, loud and clear, Your back I’ve got, no...
in my palm a single snowflake unique and delicate sparkling in sunshine yet melting in loneliness too magical to...
I See You
Ah, there you are, she said. What took you so long, she asked? BIind spots, fear, insecurities. Have you been...
A Girl With A Pen
With pen in hand, the girl sets forth to weave her tale Unleashing boundless dreams, her eyes brim with hope...
Joy Container
You’re different, she said Summit magic, I whispered Do tell, she nudged Joy container floating at sea Flags of possibilities...
Kindle Her Spirit
To my soul sisters, take heart, and never forget the strength and power within each of you. Let your courage...